Sustainability in Catering

As a premier catering service in Melbourne, Australia, sustainability is an essential part of our core values. We understand the importance of preserving our planet’s resources and strive to minimize our environmental impact. We believe that by taking action and making conscious choices, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

We recognize that sustainability is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. We take a holistic view of sustainability that considers social, environmental, and economic factors. Our sustainability efforts aim to minimize waste, conserve resources, and promote responsible practices throughout our operations.

We believe that a sustainable catering service should be environmentally responsible, socially just, and economically viable. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in the following areas:

  • Local Sourcing

    One of the key ways that we work to reduce our environmental impact is by sourcing ingredients locally. By using locally-sourced ingredients, we can reduce the carbon emissions associated with transportation, as well as support local farmers and growers. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that we are sourcing the freshest, most sustainable ingredients possible.

  • Reducing Food Waste

    We are committed to reducing food waste wherever possible. We carefully plan our menus to ensure that we are using ingredients efficiently, and we donate any excess food to local charities and shelters. We also compost our food waste, which helps to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.

  • Sustainable Packaging

    We use eco-friendly packaging whenever possible, including compostable plates, cups, and utensils. We also use recyclable or biodegradable packaging for all of our catering orders, and we encourage our clients to recycle or compost our packaging after use.

  • Energy Efficiency

    We are constantly looking for ways to reduce our energy usage. We use energy-efficient appliances in our kitchens, and we work to conserve energy wherever possible. For example, we turn off lights and equipment when they are not in use, and we use natural lighting whenever possible.

  • Water Conservation

    We are committed to conserving water wherever possible. We use low-flow faucets and toilets in our kitchens and offices, and we encourage our clients to conserve water by using reusable water bottles instead of single-use plastic bottles.

  • Transportation

    We are committed to reducing the carbon emissions associated with transportation. We use fuel-efficient vehicles for our catering deliveries, and we encourage our clients to choose menu items that require less transportation, such as locally-sourced ingredients.

  • Community Engagement

    We are active members of our community, and we work to promote sustainability through education and outreach. We partner with local schools and organizations to provide education and resources on sustainability, and we support local environmental initiatives.